"I can do all things through christ which strengthens me.(phillpians 4vs 13)".There is power in this words,if confessed with faith and do not allow your heart to doubt it at all.

    There  is power in those words-actual power and with them,you can remove any obstacles in your life,in your marriage or relationship. Don't be afraid of any obstacles. Practice believing that God is with you and in combination with him,you have the power to handle every situation. Don't believe in defeat attitude. 

    First thing to do about an obstacle, is to simplify and not complaining about it or whine under it but forthroughly attack it,don't go crawling through life,your hands and knees half defeated it,stand up to your obstacles and do something about them.You will find that they haven't half the strength you think they has.

      Just standup to it,that's all and don't give under it,it will finally break,you will break it,something has to break and it won't be you,it will be the obstacle. 

      You can do this,when you have faith in God and faith in yourself, faith is

the chief qualities you need ,it is enough. In fact,it is more than enough.

     Faith supplies staying power.Say positive things to yourself, you will see it works, even in your conversation with people, always use positive words and positive things will fill your mind and you will see the universe in action. 

     "A clear engine always delivers power,"so a mind free of negativity produce positivity. That is to say,a clean mind will deliver power.Therefore,flush out your negative thoughts, give yourself a clean mental energy, remembering that a clean mind,even as a clear engine always delivers power. 

          With love from

          Chinyere Ezeoke 

           Lily love blog leader


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