Love only compel would-be couples into marriage but it doesn't sustain marriage. Rather, understand, patience, communication, most importantly, forgiveness sustain every marriage. High expectation are the symptoms of divorce in marriage. 

Sometimes, you hear,I want to marry a mother,a business partner, God fearing person can't get all expectation in one person. With time and depending on your relationship, you may get some,so minimise your expectations in marriage. 

To cut the long story short,as too much salt spoil the broth,she concluded on the mistakes couples should resist at all cost in marriage. 

*Never say you have made your wife or husband somebody from a nobody,it hurts.God only use you as an agent  for transformation, give the glory to God.

*Let the man be the head of financial, emotional, physical and spiritual while the woman exercise  diligence in the use of tongue. 

*Children are not the ultimate in marriage, they are given to enhance your marriage, when God delay in giving you a child, have every reason to live a happy martial life.

 There has never been any automatic barrenness in a person. Abraham got Ishmael at age 86 but at age 100 and 90,they eventually got their isaac,isaac had a barren family for 20 years but eventually got his Jacob and esau etc.

*Sex is a major morale booster after days stressful life,try to be sexual beings and not "angels " in that marriage. 

*Resort to God often and less to men to solve your marital disputes. 

*Let the woman "make up",their character, package themselves to look succulent and attractive to their husband and men,do take care of your bodies and do the needful. 

  Indeed, marriage is not for small boys because small boys struggle to forgive, demand everything speedily, lack the patience  to wait on God's time,have so many friends to compete with to show their cars and houses .All is vanity, wait and look unto God the giver of all at his appointed time not at your time.

  Make every effort to let that marriage work and may God help us.

   No marriage that is led and anchored in God will fail,is your home/relationship full of presence of God?.

   With love from 

    Chinyere Ezeoke 

     The lily love blog leader.


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