Is Love Really Blind?

It's almost a common believe that love is blind. But,the bugling question still remains,"Is Love Really Blind?" This article the truth. Many have been carried away by this statement and have entered the wrong relationships simply because they saw love as being blind. But, love is not blind. It is real and so visible. Love can be seen as it approches you. To be fulfilled in any relationship or marriage, look beyond the physical things in a person:his/her physique, stature, colour, dressing, etc. Look into the inner self of a person: The person's true charater and attitude. These are the most important factors to consider. That is why it is said "All that glitters is not gold". The truth of life is that: Wealth follows wilderness experience. Peace can come out of quarrels. Joy comes after sadness. Sweat begets progress. Gains proceed from pains of life and amo...